
Ypsidixit - 2007-10-06 15:41:56
One eye-opening moment came about when F. and I were chatting to a WM guy. he revealed that WM refused to take Ypsi Township bathroom sludge ("wastewater"). This is because the township's sludge is not treated with (cheap) lime, which renders the sludge less toxic and odorous. He said the Township plant was antiquated, without a lime-insertion port, and that as a result, the sludge was too toxic to meet WM standards. As a townshipper, I found it embarrassing that a Township comparatively awash in cash could not retrofit its plant to properly treat the sludge.
YoungNick - 2007-10-16 23:29:37
No downsides? Not that I know of any-- it's just that your usual critical (if not overcritical) eye seems to have gone on vacation for this sojourn. Protecting your sources, perhaps? Or your access to them (i.e. brown-nosing)?
Ypsidixit - 2007-10-16 23:49:40
YoungNick, my critical eye was all a-sparkle with free penlights, sticky pads, and a bounteous lunch.

But it's funny you say that, because shortly after returning from this tour, I was reading a fascinating book called "Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash," in which Waste Management was most unflatteringly portrayed.

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